When we were in NYC I remember being handed one of these pens to sign for the bill in a restaurant. I’d never heard of it before and made a mental note. It’s a simple design but it wrote really well and had a very fine tip (I do like a fine tip).

I only just remembered now and looked them up.

They’re made by Marvy Uchida, an American company, and as I’m learning, they don’t ship internationally, and nor do they seem to have any UK stockists.

However, just to prove how bad I am at this “wanting” thing, I may have ordered some on US eBay. Oops! So, I won’t go into too much detail on them now and will do a proper post when they arrive. I’ll be wanting them for a little while at least…


  1. Pingback: Review: Le Pen by Marvy Uchida | All Things Stationery

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